Donors make a difference. 


Ohio Living Foundation

Through the Ohio Living Foundation, donors like you are helping the people we serve live life to the fullest; learning, growing, experiencing, loving and flourishing.


We’re passionate about helping others, and we’re thankful for people like you who believe in what we do. There’s a community of caring and giving that exists throughout our organization, and it’s held up by those of you who support our mission through your charitable giving. 


Thank you for being as passionate about helping our residents and patients as we are. Together we are transforming lives.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to partner with donors to provide charitable support for the people, projects and programs of Ohio Living.

Our Beliefs

Donor Centered

  • We carry out our work according to the following beliefs:
  • Gifts of all sizes create an enhanced quality of life for all those we serve.
  • We are dedicated to sharing our gratitude with enthusiasm.
  • Donors have the right to designate gifts and we are committed to carrying out their intent.

Stewardship and Integrity

  • We practice the highest ethical standards of fund development and fiscal stewardship, consistent with the Donor Bill of Rights.
  • We have the obligation to review all gifts to ensure that they are in the best interests of the donor, Ohio Living, Ohio Living Communities, Ohio Living Home Health & Hospice and the Ohio Living Foundation.
  • Raising funds in a cost-effective manner and presenting clear and timely financial information are essential.
  • Assets must be carefully managed to earn competitive returns and safeguard the funds for the long-term.

Continuous Achievement

  • Visionary, forward-thinking volunteers and staff are essential to our success.
  • A team approach, collaborative environment and creativity are imperative for organizational growth.
  • The continuing education of volunteers and staff is key to improving Foundation performance.
  • We have a responsibility to educate our constituents about the charitable needs of Ohio Living, giving opportunities, and results of charitable gifts.

Our Team

Liz Conley-2
Cheryl McLaughlin-2
Donna Spengler-1
Eva Allen-1
Elizabeth Bonfield-1
Nancy Hamilton-2
Paula Brock-2
Roberta Albert-1
Colin Monteith-1
John Olmstead-1

Our Philosophy

We're dedicated to the principles of philanthropic fundraising, which means we truly value the voluntary spirit of both leadership and giving. We believe that donations not only help those in need but also enrich our community life.

Because we value our donors and potential donors, we ensure that no program, agreement, trust, contract, or commitment is pushed onto any donor if it benefits Ohio Living or its affiliates at the expense of the donor’s best interests. We also commit to never entering into any agreement with any agency, person, company, or organization that would knowingly compromise a donor’s interests regarding investments, management, or any other issue. Additionally, we firmly oppose high-pressure tactics. Our volunteers and staff are here to inform, serve, and guide donors in fulfilling their philanthropic goals, but never to pressure or unduly persuade them.

By fostering genuine, respectful relationships with those who share a philanthropic spirit, we aim to build lasting partnerships that support the older adults Ohio Living serves each year.

The Donor Bill of Rights ensures that all donors can confidence in the organizations they support. It outlines donors' rights to be informed, acknowledged, and engaged in the impact of their contributions.

Form 990 is an annual reporting return that certain federally tax-exempt organizations must file with the IRS. It provides information on the filing organization's mission, programs, and finances.

Our Board

Richard Frenchie
Emy Trendy
Mary Ann Jacobs
Bernard Wright Jr
Dorothy Blom
Alice Frazier
Bonnie Quist
Chris White
Barb Lyon
Larry Gumina-1
Web Graphic No Clicky-1

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Ohio Living Foundation provides fundraising and gift administration services on behalf of the entire organization. Having a separate foundation that manages all gifts not only helps to streamline the process, but also allows staff at our communities and home health and hospice regions to focus their time on the meaningful work they carry out. Additionally, by centralizing this function, the Foundation is able to closely track all gifts to ensure they are used strictly where the donor designates. 

Yes, because Ohio Living is a not-for-profit, 501(c)3 organization, any charitable gift you make to us is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. 

The Ohio Living Foundation is self-funded and separate from operations, meaning that it is not supported by resident or patient rates. Since our founding in 1986 we have paid our expenses using a portion of the gifts received, rather than putting it on the backs of the people we serve. 

Transformation Initiatives

"Further expanding our reach will mean healthier citizens and a healthier state. We see great opportunities to assist individuals in understanding and obtaining the resources they need to thrive … the expanded offerings that we plan to create will transform the aging experience.”

Laurence C. Gumina

CEO, Ohio Living

As we look to the future, we see exciting opportunities to enhance the care and well-being of our seniors. With the growing number of older adults, the need to expand senior care services is more important than ever. We are ready to meet this challenge with innovative solutions that address cognitive health, access to care, and workforce development. By doing so, we can positively shape the aging experience for our seniors and their families, ensuring that caregiving responsibilities are manageable and enriching.

Ohio Living is prepared to lead the optimized aging movement. With our strong reputation, extensive reach, and interdisciplinary expertise, we are poised to make a significant impact. Achieving lasting, sector-wide change requires the involvement of dedicated stakeholders across the state. By collaborating with community organizations, educational institutions, and supporters like you, we can create a brighter future for our seniors.

We invite you to join us in this inspiring movement. Together, we can transform the care we provide to older adults throughout Ohio, enriching their lives and our communities. Your support will help us make a profound and positive difference.

Launch a New Era of Memory Care and Cognitive Vitality

The number of individuals living with memory loss will rapidly grow. In Ohio, one in six adults older than 65 live with memory impairment. Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the state. Donors, who have known the impacts of memory loss and who care about the vitality of our state, are invited to invest in the next evolution of memory care.

Build and Sustain a Strong Workforce Statewide

Our sector is facing an unprecedented workforce shortage. By 2030, we will have a deficit of at least 2.5 million workers nationwide. It is more important than ever not only to bring in new talent, but also retain the many skilled individuals who work across the state. Offering new and expanded resources to our staff will allow them to flourish.

Enhance our Communities

Our residential communities play a pivotal role across the state. The number of Ohioans over the age of 60 will increase by 30% in the next decade. With a growing number of our state’s population seeking to live in a safe and fulfilling environment, we must ensure our communities are meeting their needs and interests.