Assisted Living

Assisted living residents are encouraged to be as active and involved as possible, knowing that a helping hand is available whenever it is needed. Whether it’s managing medications, taking care of meals or attending to personal needs like grooming, our assisted living services are tailored to each person we serve. Our idea of assisted living is as individual as you are.

Ohio Living Dorothy Love is certified by the Ohio Department of Aging to provide services under the Assisted Living Waiver Program. Individuals who are enrolled or are currently enrolling in the Assisted Living Waiver Program are accepted based on availability.

Sample Floor Plan

Assisted living features:

  • Individually-controlled heating and air conditioning
  • Walk-in showers with bench seats and grab bars
  • Sinks with vanities
  • Pre-wired for telephone and cable TV
  • Spacious closets
  • Window treatments
  • Emergency call system
  • Sprinklers and smoke/fire alarms
  • Dynamic social and recreational activity programming

Your monthly fee includes:

  • Daily nutritious meals and snacks (3)
  • Housekeeping and personal laundry services
  • Bed and bath linens
  • Basic cable TV and all utilities except phone
  • Daily trash removal
  • Reminders and guidance for daily activities
  • Nursing services around-the-clock
  • 24-hour personal care assistance
  • 24-hour security
  • Social, recreational, and spiritual activities
  • Beautiful outdoor and indoor spaces to enjoy
  • Spiritual support from our chaplain

Assisted living features:

  • Medication management, supervision, or administration
  • Personal care assistance with bathing, dressing and other personal care needs
  • Transportation to appointments
  • Professional beauty/barber shop
  • Dry cleaning service
  • Physician and pharmacy services
  • Podiatry services
  • Audiology
  • Optometry
  • Dental care
  • Ancillary supplies
  • Respite care
  • The Emporium Gift Shop
  • Twice Around Thrift Store
weight room
DL New Aspen Club 2-1
Amos center with pool table
DL New Lobby Reception Desk-1


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at Ohio Living Dorothy Love.