Assisted Living

At Ohio Living Westminster-Thurber, our goal is to help assisted living residents maintain independence, autonomy, choice, privacy, dignity, and safety. We create a personalized care plan so residents can live the life they want to live, with comfort and assurance that help is always near. Staff help each resident to engage in life, have fun, be social, and be well. You’ll have reassurance and comfort when you need extra support throughout the day or night. 

Ohio Living Westminster-Thurber offers some of the largest assisted living floorplans in central Ohio. Our assisted living apartments offer spacious, well-lit one bedroom and studio style floorplans that include private bathrooms, walk-in showers, kitchenettes, and cabinet storage. Each one-bedroom apartment also comes equipped with a pantry, microwave, fridge with freezer, and sink. And each unit has individually-controlled heating and air conditioning for personalized comfort. 

Sample Floor Plans

Assisted living features:

  • Bright and open living spaces
  • Individually-controlled heating and air conditioning
  • Private bathrooms
  • Walk-in showers with grab bars
  • Carpeting and Luxury Vinyl Tile flooring with flat transitions
  • Window treatments
  • Pre-wired for telephone and cable TV
  • Spacious closets
  • Emergency call system
  • Sprinklers, smoke and fire detectors
  • Pet friendly
  • Wi-Fi access

Your monthly fee lincludes:

  • Licensed nursing services around-the-clock
  • 24-hour personal care assistance
  • Restaurant-style dining and snacks daily
  • Personal assessment
  • Basic cable TV and all utilities, except phone
  • Personal housekeeping and laundry services
  • Fresh towels daily and sheets weekly
  • Daily trash removal
  • Transportation for community outings
  • Social services support
  • Social, recreational and spiritual programming
  • Guidance and reminders for daily activities
  • 24-hour security and emergency personal pendant
  • Priority access to the health care center and Rehab Studios

For an additional fee:

  • Home Health & Hospice Services
  • Transportation to personal appointments
  • Dressing, grooming, bathing and toileting assistance
  • Incontinence care
  • Assistance with weight-baring transfers
  • Assistance with pill-box set-up
  • Medication administration
  • Monitoring of altered textured diets
  • Minor nursing treatments (blood sugar monitoring and simple dressing changes)
  • Professional beauty salon/barber shop
  • Outpatient therapy
  • Physician services
  • Pharmacy services 
  • Podiatry services
  • Dental care
  • Audiology services
  • Psychiatric services
  • Psychology services
  • Ophthalmology services
160813-3767- 8th floor terrace looking NE
160813-3384 - Pub-1
160813-3237-The Crossings
Robb McCormick Photography (200 of 240)
Robb McCormick Photography (213 of 240)
Robb McCormick Photography (224 of 240)
WT2011 - library 2-1
160813-1608- 8th floor community room
Ohio Living Heritage Pointe 12-1
Ohio Living Heritage Pointe 15-1


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